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Signpost 26

Work is intangible, tasks are tangible.

Signpost 26

In a nutshell:

We advance work through tasks, but the two are different. Work provides us with purpose, while tasks are the steps we take to move work forward. Tasks can be measured, but work itself is intangible. Reducing work to just a series of measurable tasks strips it of its deeper meaning.

*Note: Signposts 25, 26, and 27 are closely related and share the same points.

Key Chapter: 24

• 26.1 Work and tasks have a similar relationship with each other as a pilgrimage has with its walk. p.86

• 26.2 We progress work through tasks just as we progress a pilgrimage by walking. But both, work and a pilgrimage are much more than the sum of its tasks or accumulated step. p.86

• 26.3 We can measure the distance covered while walking but we can’t measure a pilgrimage, just as we can measure tasks, but not work. p.86

• 26.4 Pilgrimages and work, stand to lose a lot when we reduce them to their most common metrics: distance covered and its outputs. p.86

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